- Su-Ngai Kolok – 2022-04-14 from Malaysia, 60 min
Everything went without issues, although we did not have the special permit of the Thai Road Department (with a guide). Thai officials gave us a TIP and immigration stamps, but not a Conveyance Document. The Conveyance Document was later asked for when we left Thatiland to Cambodia.
- Ngeune – Huai Kon – 2022-08-11 from Laos, 40 min
The process was smooth and friendly. The small border crossing is easy to manage. In Thailand you get besides passport stamps the TIP for the car and a conveyance document that lists fellow travellers. We came from Luang Prabang. In general the road quality is excellent; we saw hardly any trucks.
- Trat-Koh Kong – 2022-07-03 to Cambodia, 60 min
Rain was pouring during the entire process.The process was chaotic, mainly on the Thai side. Officials kept asking for a Conveyance Document that we never received, gave conflicting instructions and sent us back and forth between the same windows. Staff in civilian clothes tried to translate and to guide us. Eventually they made pictures of all documents we had and let us go after we confirmed that we wouldn’t return via the same border crossing.
Fuel: generally available, credit cards accepted.
Mandatory, must be arranged before entering the country (see
4ever2wherever.com). Can be arranged by David Goodchild (https://overlandersthailand.com/). We paid EUR 44 (incl. the services of David) for 6 months.
Road Permit
Officially a special Road Permit issued by the Roads department is needed. To get it a guide for the entire trip in Thaniland must be arranged about 6 weeks before entering Thailand. However, at many border crossings this requirement is not enforced. Check with David Goodchild (https://overlandersthailand.com/) for the latest information. We did not have this permit.
Roads were generally good. Most long distance roads are four lane roads.
Hotels, fuel stations and larger shops accept credit cards. ATM’s are generally available.
Corruption and crime
No incidents. The country feels very safe.